Thursday, April 23, 2009

Will one guy at least prove to be reasonable?

I mean for Christ sake! Sending dirty text messages to other girls is just not cool!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Working NOC on Easter and other things

I am just so upset that I have to work over night on Easter! I love my job but JA HEEZ I feel like I live there sometimes! The one thing I am happy about is the 3 hours holiday time that I will be getting. AMAZINGNESS! My paycheck is going to be awesome seeing as how I worked sooooooo many hours last week too! I guess it is really not that bad now that I think of it! More money = more clothes and make up for me!

I really want to buy Paul some cool stuff for easter! He really wants this cologne that we found in Minneapolis but I doubt the stupid mall we have here is going to carry it! Oh well the search will be part of the fun! I hope the mall is open for a little while on Sunday so I can get it for him!

Nothing else to report other then I got my coastal scents neutral 28 palette! Oh and the silica powder too! I am real impressed by both products as well and would highly recommend both!

toodles from MinneSNOWta

Jennie <3

Friday, April 3, 2009

EEERRRR the fustration of growing out my hair!

So two Christmases ago I chopped off almost all my hair. At the time it seemed so fitting. I was right in the middle of a huge life change and a fresh new hair style was really what I needed, or so I thought. I just started going to an awesome college and was finally taking school seriously for the first time in my life. I was having fun living on my own and making my own way in life and really felt like I was becoming an adult. So I decided a cute inverted bob would really suit the new me! For awhile it was great. My hair was super easy to maintain and way too cute for words. After sometime though the constant flat ironing caught up with me and my hair that was once healthy and shiny quickly transformed into the over fried lump of fuzz I had seen on other girls and always vowed to never have.

* IMPORTANT* To really understand my struggle you have to know some background info. First off I am a vegan (going on 14 years now) and I have always had pretty breakable hair because of this I believe. My hair is naturally super curly and frizzy and so like many other girls I invested in a flat iron and began flat ironing my hair almost every day! My Dad (whom I received the gift of curl from) had always warned me to not mess with my hair, but like any good daughter I NEVER LISTENED! DADDY I THROUGHLY REGRET NOT LISTENING TO YOU! *tear* :(

Anyways, I have been trying to grow my hair out ever since, and in all honesty I really have come along way. My hair has gone from being above my chin to being just a little bit past my shoulders. My problem is that I CAN'T LEAVE MY HAIR ALONE. I dyed it dark brown then decided it wasn't for me and add highlights. Now my hair looks worse then before and is just a mess! My only saving grace is that I can wear it curly and that will hide the damage. BUT I KNOW IT IS THERE AND MY HAIR WON'T GROW PAST MY SHOULDERS ANYMORE! Woo is me! I just got some new vegan vitamins and I hope those will make a difference. I also am on a strict 3 month rule. I trim my hair every three months. Although what I really want to do is shave it all off and start from scratch, but no way is that happening! I guess the only thing I can do is work on not messing with my hair so much and keep up with the trims and vitamins. I will keep the blog updated with my progress.

Lots and lots of love


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why the hell am I making this blogg for?

READ MY LIPS MY LIFE IS NOT INTERESTING IN THE SLIGHTEST! I have nothing really AMAZING to share with people. I have a boyfriend, a job wiping tears and ass, and I like to cook. I am not exceptionally good at anything. I spend way too much money ( when I have it). CORRECTION I have a NOSY boyfriend. I voluntarily moved to HELL (aka Duluth, MN) something I must regret AT LEAST 20004875675 times per day. BUT sometimes funny shit happens to me. And those are the things I want to share with people.